Toastify JS

Documentation last updated: December 13, 2023

Plugin last updated: December 13, 2023

Table of Contents


Use this section to provide an overview of your plugin

Introducing Toastify JS, the pure JavaScript library designed to revolutionize the way you handle notification messages. This powerful tool offers a suite of features that elevate your user interface with better, more efficient notifications:

Multiple Stacked Notifications:

Efficiently manage several notifications at once without clutter, ensuring your users never miss important updates.


Tailor every aspect of your notifications to fit the unique style and requirements of your website or application.

Non-Blocking Execution Thread:

Enjoy smooth, uninterrupted performance as Toastify JS doesn’t block the execution thread, maintaining the fluidity of your user experience.


Control how long your notifications stay visible.

How to use

Use this section to describe how users can use your plugin


Use this section to describe each component your plugin provides



Plugin Demo

Bubble - Visual Programming
Build stuff without code and launch a startup without a tech-cofounder! Bubble is a visual programing language. Instead of typing code, use a visual editor to build applications.


Contact / Support

Please submit any bug reports to for any inquiries.