
Google Analytics V4 Full 2023

Documentation last updated: August 2, 2023

Plugin last updated: August 2, 2023

Table of Contents


This Plugin allows you to add the new Google Analytics V4 Stream tag and trigger custom events and user properties from your workflow.

It has support for debug mode.

How to use

Enter your MEASUREMENT ID in the settings to enable Google Analytics.

To start in debug mode use value "yes" or "true" in DEBUG MODE settings.

You will find GA4 Custom Event and GA4 User Properties in the Analytics section.

You can add an unlimited number of events. You can add Key/Value pairs through the Bubble interface.

Example for e-commerce:

eventname: add_to_cart key: event_category value: ecommerce key: currency value: USD key: item value: 5008 Black Dress key: value value: 39.95

Example to track login:

eventname: login key:event_category value: engagement key: method value: Google

You can set your own user properties by using the key/value pair:

user_id : current user unique id email : current user email

For a full overview of events visit: https://support.google.com/analytics/topic/9756175


Use this section to describe each component your plugin provides


GA4 Custom Event

GA4 User Properties

Plugin Demo

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Contact / Support

Please submit any bug reports to paulocoutinhox@gmail.com for any inquiries.